Top 5 Reasons Why Your Website Doesn’t Convert

You built out a beautiful website with amazing landing pages and the highest definition images – but you’re not getting visitors to do what you want them to do. You’re left wondering why all your hard work is going to waste.

If you’re having trouble converting visitors into life-long customers, you can do some research and tests to see what’s stopping people from converting.

These 5 reasons are a good place to start looking.

1. You Don’t Know Your Audience, So You’re Targeting the Wrong People

Even though it’s nice if you have tons of visitors going to your website, it’s useless if they aren’t connecting and engaging with you. You’ll need to define your audience so you can speak to their needs and engage in conversation with them.

Another problem you may be having is a traffic mismatch. No matter how great your website is, you won’t be able to convince the wrong people to buy your product or service. For example, if you ship only to the US and most of your visitors are from the UK. Mismatches can come from the wrong sources, or the wrong pages, or just not having any visitors.

Find out who your target audience is, where they hang out online, and what their needs are.

2. You’re Too Focused on Design and Not Your Goals

A pretty website can only get you so far if you don’t truly understand your customers. Once you define your customer’s goals, you can create a website that speaks to their needs and converts.

Another thing that could be killing your conversion rate is a bad mobile experience. You may have spent a small fortune creating your website, but it’s not responsive so your visitors are having a terrible user experience on their phones.

Rockstarr Tip: Don’t overload your pages – it will slow down your page load speed and also be distracting to your users.

3. You’re Guessing at How to Improve Conversions Rather Than Looking at Your Data

If you aren’t measuring your website analytics, how do you know what’s wrong? Look at your business goals, and then decide upon the key metrics that help you reach those goals. Regularly spend some time with your analytics to see if your numbers are improving.

Testing will be important for refining your content. Test your CTAs to see which ones are working. Any content can be improved – a small increase in your conversion rate could equal huge profits for your business.

4. Your Copy is Confusing

You have 0-8 seconds to make an impact – after 8 seconds, most people will leave your site.

From bad calls to action to headlines that don’t deliver what you’re promising, if your copy is unclear and confusing, your visitors will likely abandon your site. By not guiding users through the customer journey with attention-grabbing headlines and clear CTAs, they may not do what you want them to.

Don’t get caught up in technical jargon and specs. Instead, focus on keeping it simple and showcasing the benefits of your products or services. Making your unique value propositions clear can help you convert visitors into customers.

5. You Haven’t Built a Relationship With Your Users so They Don’t Trust You

If you want people to buy your product or service, you need to show them that they can trust you. That is why you’ll have to nurture your visitors. How will you do this? By creating a customer journey of how you want the experience to look like.

Help move them along the journey with campaigns like email marketing and social media. But, remember that your visitors have already heard every sales pitch under the sun, and more than likely have visited your competitors. Before they do business with you, they need to make sure that you have their best interests in mind – that you’ll provide value to them. To develop this relationship, you will have to nurture them with valuable, personalized content that speaks to them.

Not quite sure how to build an offer that converts? Try out this resource.

Need Help Clearing Up Conversion Blockers?

Are you looking to boost conversion? We can help. The Rockstarr Sound Check will arm you with the framework to tune-up your site to optimize conversion, drive engagement, and make your audience go wild.

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