Shine Bright Like A Rockstarr

How to Market a Consulting Business

Are you looking to differentiate your consulting business from the competition and get it noticed by potential customers? With so much noise online, figuring out how to break through can...

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Meet The Spark

Marketing is essential to any business but requires more than just selling a product or service. It's about telling a story, engaging with customers, and building a connection beyond the...

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Creating Your Ideal Client Profile

As a small business owner, keeping up with all the competing brands in your industry can be difficult. To ensure your brand stands out, you must create an Ideal Client Profile to help you...

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Platinum Messaging Method

Crafting a Message That Resonates With Your AudienceIn successful marketing efforts, crafting a message that resonates with your target audience is key. It's not enough to simply put out a...

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The Power of Legendary Content

"I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend.''- Freddie MercuryWhen it comes to content marketing, quality is always better than quantity. There’s no substitute for well-written, valuable...

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Rockstarr & Moon: Giving Back

A MESSAGE FROM OUR FOUNDER I was diagnosed with Appendix Cancer in my mid-thirties. It was a shocking and intense experience that changed not only my life but the life of everyone around...

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The Right Strategic Marketing Partner

Any business owner knows that marketing is essential to the success of their company. After all, how can you sell your products or services if no one knows that they exist? However, with...

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The Power of Storytelling in Marketing

Have you ever wondered why storytelling is such an important marketing tool? When done right, storytelling can be a potent promoting mechanism. It's been used for centuries to engage...

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Networking With Women-Owned Businesses

When it comes to business, networking is essential for success. And when it comes to networking, there's no better group to connect with than other women-owned businesses. After all, women...

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How To Identify Your Target Market

Knowing your target market is essential to a thriving business. But how do you figure out who your target market is? And once you know, how do you create a strategy around it? There's no...

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Why Research Is Key To Success

When most people think about the keys to success in business, they think about things like a well-defined niche, good marketing, and effective branding. While these are important, research...

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Cheers to Strong Women

On this International Women’s Day, I wanted to celebrate the strong women in my life. Growing up in a family full of strong women, you would think I would know how to begin this blog. It’s...

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Build a Rockstarr LinkedIn Profile

The 7 Steps You Need to Take (Today) to Create a Rockstarr LinkedIn Profile   1. Get a Custom URL LinkedIn automatically assigns you a URL. If you want to put this in your resume or...

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