Client: Salesforce Staffing

It’s been awesome. The feedback from the public has been really great. Which I love!
Josh Matthews

Founder, Salesforce Staffing LLC

Key Results

  • LinkedIn Newsletter Growth: Established a must-read LinkedIn newsletter, growing it to nearly 5,000 engaged subscribers who regularly look to Salesforce Staffing for industry insights and guidance.
  • Increased LinkedIn Presence: Achieved a 2,500-follower increase on LinkedIn in four months, transforming Salesforce Staffing’s social media presence into a vibrant and engaged community.
  • SEO Success: Implemented a targeted SEO strategy for their blogs, establishing Salesforce Staffing’s content as the go-to resource for Salesforce talent.
  • Engagement and Interaction: Developed social posts and content that sparked meaningful conversations and solidified Salesforce Staffing as a leading voice in the Salesforce space.
  • Positive Community Feedback: Received outstanding feedback from the community, with comments highlighting the increased impact and value of Salesforce Staffing’s content.
  • Foundation for Future Conversions: The strategic content and increased engagement set the stage for future conversions, driving tangible impact and positioning Salesforce Staffing for continued growth.

engaged subscribers

follower increase on LinkedIn


Salesforce Staffing was already a powerhouse in the Salesforce recruiting world. They had the expertise, the network, and the reputation. On top of that, they were running the Salesforce Career Show, a podcast packed with insights for those navigating the Salesforce job market. The show had a substantial audience, and their brand was already well-known. But like any driven entrepreneur, they weren’t content to just coast. They wanted more. They wanted to dominate the space, expand their audience, and, most importantly, turn that attention into action—into real, measurable conversions.

Enter Rockstarr & Moon.

Rockstarr Solution

First, we dug in deep and analyzed their audience, identified the pain points, and tapped into the raw power of their expertise. Then, we crafted a strategy to amplify that power without losing an ounce of their authentic voice.

We started by establishing their LinkedIn newsletter and transforming it into a must-read resource. This wasn’t just about numbers—it was about delivering content that cut through the noise and spoke directly to the needs of their audience.

Next, we took their LinkedIn presence from good to great. We grew their audience and turned those followers into an engaged, active community that spread the word far and wide. We knew that visibility without engagement was just shouting into the void, so we made sure every post and every interaction had a real impact.

We didn’t stop there. We crafted a targeted SEO strategy specifically for their blogs, ensuring that Salesforce Staffing was not just visible but dominant in search results. This wasn’t just about improving rankings—it was about making sure their content became the go-to resource for anyone searching for top Salesforce talent. We positioned them exactly where they needed to be: at the top.

Lead generation and nurturing was another critical area. We crafted irresistible lead magnets and created a series of email sequences that didn’t just nurture leads—they converted them. We knew that delivering valuable content was key, so we made sure every piece we created was indispensable, turning potential interest into solid action.

On top of all that, we developed social posts that sparked conversations, drove engagement, and solidified Salesforce Staffing as the go-to voice in the Salesforce space. We knew that every word counts, so we made sure those words pack a punch.

The Bottom Line

Salesforce Staffing isn’t just a player in the market anymore—they’re a leader. The LinkedIn newsletter has become a go-to resource with nearly 5,000 engaged subscribers. This isn’t just a list; it’s a community of professionals who look to Salesforce Staffing for guidance and expertise.

The LinkedIn growth we achieved speaks volumes. With an increase of 2,500 followers in four months, Salesforce Staffing’s presence is now a force to be reckoned with. These aren’t just numbers on a screen; these are real people interacting, sharing, and amplifying the brand.

Feedback has also been phenomenal. One community member said, “You’ve always had great takes on the Salesforce space, but lately, you’ve been on fire all the way around. Keep up the great work, and thanks for the continuous words of wisdom.”

The combination of increased awareness and strategic content has led to significant engagement. We didn’t just capture attention; we sparked meaningful interactions, setting the stage for future conversions and driving tangible impact for Salesforce Staffing.

Ready to be the next success story? Reach out to us today and let’s turn your potential into performance.

Growth Amplifier Deliverables

Content Creation
Email Marketing
Marketing Strategy
Social Media Marketing

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