Client: printIQ


I highly recommend Rachel and her team at Rockstarr & Moon. They are professional, have a quick response time, and have amazing customer service!

Our company has been working with Rockstarr & Moon for twelve months, and our sales & marketing has taken off. Rachel has an amazing well-rounded skill set; she jumps from strategy to operations depending on our needs. She helped us define a strategy & vision whilst executing on our day-to-day initiatives.

I have never worked with someone that can execute so much in such a short space of time. I love working with Rachel, her energy and drive is contagious. I feel like I can take on the world when I get off a call with her.

Rachel Davis

COO, printIQ

Key Results

  • Rapid Execution: We prioritized and executed a backlog of critical projects, ensuring no deadlines were missed.
  • Enhanced Brand Presence: Our ad campaigns and marketing strategies significantly raised printIQ’s brand awareness in North America.
  • Lead Generation Systems: Implemented robust systems to generate and nurture leads, driving engagement and sales team calls.
  • Sales Enablement: Equipped the sales team with compelling materials that enhanced their ability to close deals.
  • Strategic Metrics and KPIs: Introduced measurable metrics and KPIs for the first time, setting a clear path towards achieving business goals.
  • Seamless Handoff: Successfully transitioned all responsibilities to printIQ’s new marketing team, providing them with a well-oiled machine ready for sustained growth.

30 Day Cold Outreach Results


Opportunities Generated

Booked Calls in 30 Days


PrintIQ, a global leader in printing software and services, found themselves in a tight spot. Having recently lost their marketing lead, they were left with a mountain of deliverables, impending ad campaigns, and several high-priority projects. With 10 projects due within a week and a half, plus a backlog of built-up tasks, printIQ was at risk of missing crucial deadlines. Complicating matters was the fact that printIQ was also in the middle of an acquisition process, adding pressure to maintain operational stability and brand strength.

Rockstarr Solution

Rockstarr & Moon didn’t just step in; we stormed in. Within a week, we had already prioritized the workload and kicked off our strategic execution. Our team took charge of the situation, ensuring that printIQ did not miss any deadlines. We focused on creating compelling ads across multiple platforms to boost brand awareness and crafted targeted marketing strategies to identify Ideal Customer Profiles, develop Platinum Messaging, and define the customer journey.

Our next mission was to generate leads, nurture them, and facilitate calls for the sales team. We developed lead generation systems that included creating product messaging and a comprehensive marketing strategy aimed at attracting new leads while keeping existing customers engaged.

To empower printIQ’s sales efforts, we developed powerful Sales Enablement Materials, including sales decks and case studies that effectively showcased printIQ’s products and services while highlighting their Value Proposition. We also introduced metrics to the team for the first time, identifying Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and setting clear goals, guiding the company toward measurable success.

After stabilizing and enhancing printIQ’s marketing and sales processes and ensuring all deliverables were met, we worked together for a period during which printIQ made a new hire for their marketing team. We ensured a seamless transition by handing off all strategies, processes, and deliverables to the new team. As part of the transition, we provided comprehensive guidance and even assisted with a rebrand.

Our rapid response and strategic execution played a pivotal role in printIQ’s successful launch into the North American market. By stepping in faster than a new hire could be onboarded, we ensured that printIQ maintained operational momentum during a critical period. Our comprehensive approach to marketing operations, lead generation, and sales enablement not only stabilized the company but also set them on a path for sustained growth and success.

Events Supported

Press Releases

Email Campaigns

Ad Assets

Case Studies

Social Posts

I had the pleasure to work with Rachel & Jon at Rockstar & Moon. They worked with our entire team on our rebranding campaign. They increased our exposure in the marketplace and grew our customer base. If you are looking for a company to work hand in hand with you to grow your business exponentially, reach out to Rockstar & Moon. You will not be disappointed.

Richard Schlatterbeck

Global Sales Director, PrintIQ

Growth Amplifier Deliverables

Advertising: Ad Creation, Copy Creation
Platinum Messaging
Cold Outreach
Marketing Strategy
Sales Enablement Materials: Sales Decks, Case Studies
Social Media Marketing
Website Updates