Client: ATC

Hands-Off CEO

Key Results

  • Increased Website Traffic: Our strategic overhaul of ATC’s digital presence with a targeted SEO strategy resulted in a dramatic surge in website traffic, increasing organic monthly visitors 185%.
  • Record-Breaking Business Performance: Through targeted efforts, ATC achieved the highest number of moves in their history, with February marking a significant milestone.
  • Enhanced Keyword Rankings: Our comprehensive keyword strategy led to 947 organic keywords now ranking, with 210 consistently holding top 10 positions and an additional 86 keywords on the verge of breaking into the top ranks.
  • Boosted Brand Visibility: The introduction of engaging social media content and the ‘Driver of the Month’ program significantly amplified ATC’s brand visibility and audience engagement.
  • Optimized Digital Presence: The complete website redesign delivered a more user-friendly experience, better showcasing ATC’s professionalism and reliability while maximizing lead conversion.


increase in organic monthly visitors

organic keywords now ranking

keywords consistently holding top 10 positions


American Transportation Company (ATC) was cruising along steadily, but they knew there was more potential under the hood. With a small number of monthly visitors to their website, ATC’s digital presence was barely in first gear. Despite being a trusted partner in nationwide driveaway and transport services, their online traction was limited, their keyword rankings were underperforming, and their growth potential was stuck in neutral.

ATC needed a jumpstart—a bold, strategic overhaul to shift them from cruising the backroads to dominating the digital highways.

Rockstarr Solution

Enter Rockstarr & Moon, where we don’t just fine-tune your engine—we supercharge it. We took a deep dive into ATC’s digital landscape and identified exactly where to rev things up.

First, we redesigned ATC’s website, optimizing every corner for maximum performance. This wasn’t just a superficial makeover; the new site became a lean, mean, lead-converting machine.

We also supercharged ATC’s social media presence with strategic, high-impact posts that showcased their unparalleled professionalism and reliability. The content drove massive spikes in engagement and brand visibility.

To further amplify ATC’s brand, we introduced the ‘Driver of the Month’ program, which not only boosted internal morale but also highlighted ATC’s commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction. This initiative turned their drivers into brand ambassadors, extending their organic reach even further.

Finally, we unleashed a keyword strategy that put ATC on the map—literally. With 947 organic keywords now ranking and 210 of them consistently in the top 10, ATC became impossible to ignore. And we’re not stopping there—86 more keywords are on the brink of breaking into the top ranks, ready to join the winners’ circle.

 The Bottom Line

ATC isn’t just moving vehicles anymore—they’re moving the needle, big time. In July alone, organic web traffic surged to 185.7%—a massive leap from their baseline. February saw the highest number of moves ever recorded, and the transport side of the business is shattering records.

ATC’s digital transformation is proof that when you partner with Rockstarr & Moon, you don’t just compete—you dominate.

Growth Amplifier Deliverables

Marketing Strategy
Social Media Marketing
Website Update
Content Creation

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